Deprecated/abandoned projects
These are deprecated/abandoned projects:
- A utility that uses destructive way to manage avatar's clothes, and were made before Modular Avatar hit the market.
- Stopped development due to lower usage and lack of development.
- Purchase (
- Guidebook (Google Drive)
- A utility that uses destructive way to manage avatar's clothes, and were made before Modular Avatar hit the market.
- Non-synced touch tablet gimmick for VRChat World.
- Stopped development due to lack of development and unfortunate lost of original project files.
- Download (
- Source code (GitHub)
- Non-synced touch tablet gimmick for VRChat World.
Donation 2 Event
- A program that sends VRChat a set of Midi signal whenever the program receives donation event (from Twip).
- Stopped development due to Twitch leaving South Korea.
(giving a big middle finger to korean telecom lol) - This project is hidden.
- Stopped development due to Twitch leaving South Korea.
- A program that sends VRChat a set of Midi signal whenever the program receives donation event (from Twip).
UdonPlayerListText Vertical
- VRChat World gimmick that shows how many players are in current instance.
- This was made when I first stepped into C#(UdonSharp), so the source code is a bit well... outdated.
- Download (
- VRChat World gimmick that shows how many players are in current instance.
- A program that were made when VRChat received its first OSC update.
- Stopped development due to lack of development.
- Download (
- A program that were made when VRChat received its first OSC update.
Keyboard App for KillFrenzy's Avatar Text
- A simple program that acted as a keyboard for KillFrenzy's avatar chatbox gimmick.
- Stopped development due to VRChat adding their own chatbox. YAY!
- This project is hidden.
- A simple program that acted as a keyboard for KillFrenzy's avatar chatbox gimmick.